Raineman6 Headbands / Summer Workout

The new Raineman6 headbands are available now ! For 6 € per piece it is your chance to help us support the Play2gether Team on their way to L.A. and further on. They are in full preparation for the Olympic Games and I am already in full preparation for the coming season as well. Let me use this chance to introduce you to 2 of the most important people of my summer preparation.

My brother Jimmy (left side) is the one who makes sure the gym is open for me and the equipment I use is available … He is one of the coaches at the High School… This is also the High School that I attended –Athens Drive High School in Raleigh, North Carolina. He comes in from time to time in between his workouts or other duties as a coach and teacher and maybe gives me a few tips or advice about something like my footwork or staying low, or any idea about my conditioning / cardio workouts

Gary (in between behind us) is a best friend of mine whom I played college ball with and I highly respect his basketball mind and intelligence. He´s been training me for the past 6 years now making sure I worked on my weaknesses every summer and got my strengths stronger as well as continuing to come up with strength training/weight room work to keep my body at a high level every year. It was his idea to trim me back down instead of bulking me up He /we decided for my career and longevity it would be better to keep me strong, explosive and fast like a Jaguar or Leopard trim sleek body and less like a bulky body style (Lion, Tiger). He wanted to train and continue to build a basketball player and not a body builder.  So staying lighter but strong and focusing on my core and hip strength keeps pressure off my knees and joints.

I´m sure they both know but I want to let them know that I appreciate everything they do for me.