
I´m sure many of you have asked yourselves 2what does Raineman mean, where did he come up with that name“?

Actually I didn´t come up with it, my best friend did – back in College at North Carolina Central University, in 2001. Brian Debnam is his name and he´s like a brother to me and has played with me since I was young and he knows me as well as he knows himself. So it’s a simple story. He told me in one of our many conversations, that whenever I make one or two shots in a row then I may go on to make 20 in a row and I just don´t miss. He said it´s like rain falling down when I´m shooting and the ball is splashing through the nets.

Of course I changed the spelling a bit from “Rain” to my own stamp of brand and made it “Raineman”. So from that day forth it was one of the nick names that stuck with me. I chose Raineman because it fit for me and this website and Brand I´m in the process off.

Raineman 😉


“When I started thias Raineman6 mission from the facebook fanpage invinting all of my fans and facebook friends to join and share my journey and success with them, I never imagined the amount of positive energy, support and encouragement I received. My main goal was to give something  webs my friends and fans but you all gave so much to me. So now I want to share this with the world wide web on Raineman6.com “