RaineMan summer practice

“The Hill” … I run half a mile trail on the way to the hill. The way on the hill I run has a grade of about 12 % I guess and is about 120 meters long… I sprint it up and jog down and then right back up again… I do 10 -15 of those… almost every day… For the past 10 years I’ve been doing that in the off season and usually right after I go to the football field and do 110 yard striders for the second part of my outside conditioning… I like to do more of a variety and different types of conditioning not only in the basketball gym…

Weight room muscle endurance training: 5- 6 sets of circuit training with 10 -15reps for each exercise… back to back exercises no rest in between… We are not only working strength training but muscle endurance and cardio as well… Being able to use powerful muscles for a longer period of time is what we train my body for so I train for long strong lean muscles and less bulk. This is something Gary and I decided to focus on back in the summer of 2009. And of course last but not least and the most important part of my off season training is the nutrients I put inside of my body… I have to make sure I fuel my body with the right kind of food and beverages, because the body´s production is 70 % of what you put in and only 30 % of how you train !